Temporary employment is a creative and a successful concept of employment in the market of Serbian workforce. Considering this kind of employment, Work and Care Ltd. hires the chosen candidates as its workers so that they could be later consigned to the client-based on the Service Contract or the Contract on Business and Technical Cooperation.
Work and Care Ltd. and workers sign a work contract while the agency and a client sign a service contract.
The most common reasons for temporary employment are:
- Seasonal jobs- a need for a bigger number of workers in the periods when the amount of work is growing;
- A need for additional workforce to help in realizing regular work tasks;
- The absence of client’s employees (as a cause of sick leave, vacation, maternity leave etc.).
The concept of temporary work which Work and Care Ltd. offers can bring a lot of benefits to the client because:
- Provisions of work code and those of collective agreement are not applied on consigned workers;
- Work and Care Ltd. deals with all the administration that is usually done by the client ( the preparation and signing of contracts, applications and payments for health and retirement insurance and insurance in the case of unemployment, managing and payments of wages, register);
- Work and Care Ltd. is an agency responsible for all regulated by Labor and Employment Law;
- Work and Care Ltd. charges to a client effective work hours of employees, namely the real working hours, which is a significant saving for the client (the model of administration can be applied except charge per hour).
With the service of temporary work Work and Care Ltd. takes over all the employer’s risks and obligations and takes care of the employees. In that way, time and money are considerably saved.
This service can be especially interesting for the companies that have a detailed register of number of employees (so called- Headcount)- consigned workers are not registered as employees of client’ s company.
- The agency’s financial stability
- A professional service delivery: application, administration, wages payment and other activities;
- A possibility of advice regarding Labor Law;
- Sector specialization;
- The service of temporary work can be offered to any type of work place. From position of unqualified workers, secondary school background to university qualifications position.
As a specialized agency for employment intermediation, we can offer you the service of selection of the most competent candidates for desired position and save your time and effort used for finding qualified staff.
A complete selection process includes two phases: finding a candidate and a candidate selection.
After a profile elaboration for desired position, based on the information given by the employer, the process of finding a candidate can start. This process depends on the level of position, as well as on its presence in the workforce market. During mentioned process, we use all available methods- advertising, a method of direct seeking (“head hunting”), our existent base of candidates and our internal source of information.
During the process of intermediation in employment all the actions and measures, regulated by Labor law and the rights in time of unemployment, are carried so that the unemployed persons could become employees.
The National Employment Service follows situation in the labor market, gathers data from employers regarding their needs for workers and informs public and interested persons about the possibilities and conditions for the employment of workers with specific professional qualifications.
The employer delivers to the National Employment Service an application, reports on the worker’ s employment as well as the report on termination of employment. The National Service, within three days from receiving the application, has to make a public disclosure on the need for workers in Republic, unless the employer claims other way of advertising (in the local media, on the Service’s notice board etc).
The employer, instead of a public advertising, can claim form National Service a direct selection of candidates for employment.
If in Service’s register are included both unemployed and employed persons who want to change their job, both groups fulfilling the conditions expressed by the employer, National Employment Service will primarily suggest an unemployed person.
The employer independently decides about the choice of candidates for employment, between those suggested by the National Service or the agency and other candidates who came directly to the employer looking for a job.
After receiving all the information about possible employment of one or more candidates, National Service will directly inform unemployed and other interested persons about the employment conditions and possibilities (via letters, invitations to face to face interviews etc.).
A client can ask for partial or complete anonymity in advertisement, which in some cases can be a special advantage.
The agency deals with all the obligations regarding the advertisement, its publication (contact with media, the costs of advertisement etc.) and is obliged to deliver to the client all received applications in defined period of time.
With this service, a client significantly saves time and money.
Apart from all the obligations related to publication of the advertisement, the agency deals with selection of applications based on precisely defined job conditions.
With the selection of applications, the agency delivers to the client only the applications of the clients who match specified requirements.
The psychological assessment is based on the use of psychological methods and offers a complete image of personal characteristics, abilities and competencies. It is used to determine candidates’ competency for specified positions and to predict their potentials.
Recommendation by the experts in the final point of selection:
This is a special advantage for clients who are looking for staff with specific professional qualifications, while there are more candidates who fulfill this requirement.
It is recommended for clients to have several preferred candidates or group of candidates after receiving CV, recommendations or the first interview. In this way a client has a more complete candidate’s image- about his/ her intellectual abilities, self-confidence, planning and job organization, making priorities, risk taking, flexibility.
Work and Care Ltd. offers its professional service of renting workers on temporary and occasional jobs. This kind of workforce is used when a client has employed workers and wants Work and Care Ltd. to take them over so that they could become the agency’ s employees. A client defines workers’ net wage, takes over risks of sick leave, vacation and other kinds of their absence.
Work and Care Ltd. is obliged to sign a work contract with workers, to account and pay their wage and to keep their register.
This approach showed to be very efficient because it meets client’s needs for adequate and temporary staff and for keeping their financial records.
The results are: greater flexibility, taking over client’s administration in a legal and fiscal way, improvement of salary budget.
This concept includes:
- A successful dealing with client’s needs through the assessment of structure and its characteristics;
- Finding solutions by selection and publication process, or taking over the administration for selected staff;
- An effective financial records of selected staff which includes salary payment, tax payment, providing general training on the work safety, keeping record of work contract, delivering all kinds of certificates and testimonials.
During the period of cooperation, we provide to the client complete support and right between a client and a candidate, offering great solutions through specially designed methodology, experts and significant experience for the client’s needs both regarding Labor Law and effective staff administration.
The realization of the selection process is done by qualified experts and enables selection of candidates who completely match work requirements and client’s expectations. In this way, a client saves his or her time that would be spent in analyzing candidates’ biographies and in interviews.
Know- how as a unique combination of knowledge, abilities and skills is your biggest capital- intellectual capital. Its essence is made of people organized in teams. Teams that produce harmony and energy created in a systematic approach- an individual in a team where everyone has its own role, based on his/ her knowledge, abilities and skills. An effective team is a base of a successful company. This team includes a competent and a motivated worker.
A motivated worker is prepared not only for taking responsibility but as well as to ask for it, in this way becoming “the owner” of the process he/ she is carrying out. This kind of team when it faces with unknown barrier or change keeps its potential and finds adequate solutions for new problems. They are base of “an organization which learns” and which is prepared to react to changes in the market in any time and to create new ones.
Companies with this kind of teams possess flexibility while efficiency or high productivity is something that should be always present.
A qualified process of selection driven by competent people is of great interest for a candidate as well as for an employer.
Apart from service related to the selection of candidates, we offer a service of investigation of ways used in human resource managing which can improve work in your company.
In this way you can:
- Discover and eliminate causes of potential discontent of employees;
- Use their work potential in a more rational way;
- Prevent “fluctuation”, namely, workforce loss;
- Stimulate your employees in a more just and functional way.